Published on October 31st, 2015 |
by SayginYalcin
Saygin makes Fortune 40 under 40 list again!
Welcome to Fortune Turkey’s 2015 40 Under 40, the annual ranking of the most influential young people in business.

Kuluçka fikirlere altın öğütler
40 yaşına varmadan başarılı ve zengin olmayı mı aklınıza koydunuz? Kolay değil ama bu hedefe ulaşanların sayısı giderek artıyor.
Fortune 40 Yaş Altı 40 Yönetici listesine geçen sene Kurucusu ve CEO’su sıfatıyla giren Saygın Yalçın, bugün Ortadoğu’nun ilk ve en büyük özel alışveriş kulübü’un da kurucusu olarak tanınıyor. 2 bin 500’den fazla çalışanıyla Arap dünyasının en büyük e-ticaret şirketi Jabbar Internet & Group’un da ortağı da olan Yalçın’ın tavsiyeleri bire bir iş tecrübelerinden sonra şekillenmiş bir iş fikrinin yaratıcısı aynı zamanda. İş fikri gündeme gelmeden önce Yalçın yanına sadece sırt çantası ve laptopunu alıp Dubai’de ücretsiz interneti olan bir kafede bulur kendini. Başlarda işlerin hiç de yolunda gitmediğini anlatırken, “’u kurduktan sonra ilk aylar çok zorlu geçti. Hem markaları ikna etmek zordu hem de ürünleri satmak. Maliyet o kadar yüksekti ki, ürünleri yüksek fiyattan alıp, ucuza sattığımız çok oldu” diyor.
Dubai Kanada Üniversitesi’nde girişimcilik ve e-ticaret konularında ders veren Yalçın, genç girişimcilere şu tavsiyede bulunuyor. “Hiçbir zaman pes etmeyin ve fikrinizin sağlamlığını test edin. Bazen süreçler uzar ancak bu sizi yıldırmasın” diyor.
Source: – Fortune Turkey, also covered in Webrazzi: and Sozcu newspaper:

Tags: 40 under 40, Business, Fortune, Influential, list, ranking, Sozcu, Turkey, young people
About the Author
SayginYalcin Saygin is the Founder & CEO of the Middle East's (ME) first & largest car buying service, and Founder of the first & largest online private shopping club in the ME,, which has been acquired by, making him Partner at the and Jabbar Internet Group, becoming the largest ecommerce company in the Arab world, with 3000+ employees. In its largest acquisition outside the US to date, has acquired Group. He has been selected as a UBS Industry Leader, a network of Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals.
He was also Advisory Board Member & Academic Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at the Canadian University of Dubai.
He was referred to as "the region's online business guru" by the National newspaper in the UAE, while Arabian Business named him as "one of the region's finest young entrepreneurs and a major part of the entrepreneurial scene in recent years".
Fortune magazine (mag) named him in the 40 under 40 list, as one of the most influential young people in business, Entrepreneur mag ME awarded, with Saygin at its helm, as the "Fastest Growing Company in the ME", while the National newspaper sees it among a handful of tech companies to "have the potential to break the $1bn barrier". In a cover story, Entrepreneur mag ME titled him as "undoubtedly one of the youngest & most successful internet entrepreneurs in the ME”, awarded as "Technology Innovator of the Year”, while Khaleej Times awarded him as the Technology Leader. Gulf Business selected him as 1 of the Top 10 Entrepreneurs in ME.
In a cover story, Arabian Business counts him as 1 of the most successful entrepreneurs to call Dubai home. During the World Government Summit, HH Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed, Minister of Interior of the UAE, presented Saygin as an inspiring story for the country, in the presence of world leaders, incl. HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.