extends its car buying platform to dealers in real time and Saygin Yalcin have been mentioned in various news outlets last week covering’s white label solution, which allows for real-time buying of cars, a facility offered to dealers.
XPress Dubai and Abu Dhabi
Khaleej Times
Gulf Today
Emirates Business
Al Bayan extends its car buying platform to dealers in real time, the Middle East’s first and largest car buying service guaranteeing the purchase of any car within 30 minutes is now giving traders and dealers the option of buying cars in real time when an individual shows up to sell their car.’s white label solution links dealers to the network to facilitate rapid trade-in, part exchange and purchase decisions.The move opens’s powerful online platform to traders, who can join the car buying network by registering for free. Once connected, traders are given instant updates on any vehicle receives for sale – including images, data and the results of’s standardised vehicle inspection. The network of connected dealers establishes a fair market price for the car, and a sales offer is made to traders within 12 minutes.” has proven its credentials as the largest car buying service in the Middle East. Our business model is to acquire any car with a firm offer within 30 minutes. Now, we’re extending our expertise and powerful online platform to selected traders. When a trader is offered a car by a consumer, the trader can directly get an offer by for that car.” says its Founder and CEO Saygin Yalcin.
Source: Thomson Reuters – Zawya,
«سل إني كار.كوم» يتيح شراء السيارات مباشرة للتجار والموزعين
أعلن موقع «سل إني كار.كوم» توفير خدمة شراء السيارات مباشرة للتجار والبائعين. وتفتح هذه الخطوة المنصة الإلكترونية أمام التجار، الذين يمكنهم الانضمام إلى شبكة شراء السيارات من خلال التسجيل مجانًا. وبمجرد أن يتم إضافتهم إلى الشبكة، يتلقى التجار تنبيهات فورية عن أي سيارة يستقبلها الموقع لطرحها للبيع بما في ذلك صور، وبيانات ونتائج الفحص الشامل للسيارات والخاص بالموقع. كما تتيح شبكة البائعين المتصلين معاً سعرًا عادلاً للسيارة، ويتم طرح عرض بيع للتجار خلال 12 دقيقة.
وقال مؤسس الموقع ومديره التنفيذي سايجين يالسين إن نموذج عملنا يقوم على ضمان شراء أي سيارة خلال 30 دقيقة. والآن نوسع مجال منصتنا الإلكترونية لتشمل مجموعة منتقاة من التجار. فعندما يعرض أحد العملاء سيارته على أحد التجار، يمكن للتاجر الحصول على عرض من الموقع مباشرة لشراء هذه السيارة. ويالسين شريك في مجموعة جبار للإنترنت وسوق.كوم، وهي أكبر شركة للتجارة الإلكترونية في العالم العربي، حيث يزيد عدد موظفيها عن 2500 موظف. كانت شركة سوق.كوم استحوذت على موقع شركة سكر.كوم في أبريل 2012 لتكوين مجموعة سوق.كوم مع شركة تايجر العالمية، وشركة ناسبرز ومجموعة جبار للإنترنت.
Source: Al Bayan, enables buying in real time, the Middle East’s first and largest car buying service guaranteeing the purchase of any car within 30 minutes is now giving traders and dealers the option of buying cars in real time when an individual shows up to sell their car.’s white label solution links
dealers to the network to facilitate rapid trade-in, part exchange and purchase
The move opens’s powerful online platform to traders, who can join the car buying
network by registering for free. Once connected, traders are given instant updates on any vehicle receives for sale – including
images, data and the results of’s standardised vehicle inspection. The network of connected dealers establishes a fair market price
for the car, and a sales offer is made to traders within 12 minutes.
“ has proven its credentials as the largest car buying service in the Middle East. Our business model is to acquire any car with a firm offer within 30 minutes. Now, we’re extending our expertise and powerful online platform to selected traders. When a trader is offered a car by a consumer, the trader can directly get an offer by for that car.” says its Founder and CEO Saygin Yalcin.
Source: Emirates Business,
Car buying platform unveils option for dealers
DUBAI: Middle East’s first and largest car buying service – – guaranteeing the purchase of any car within 30 minutes, has now announced giving traders and dealers the option of buying cars in real time when an individual shows up to sell the vehicle.’s white label solution links dealers to the network to facilitate rapid trade-in, part exchange and purchase decisions.
The move opens’s powerful online platform to traders, who can join the car buying network by registering for free. Once connected, traders are given instant updates on any vehicle receives for sale – including images, data and the results of’s standardised vehicle inspection. The network of connected dealers establishes a fair market price for the car, and a sales offer is made to traders within 12 minutes.
“The service has proven its credentials as the largest car buying service in the Middle East. Our business model is to acquire any car with a firm offer within 30 minutes. Now, we’re extending our expertise and powerful online platform to selected traders.
Source: Gulf Today, increases traffic with more UAE car dealers, the car buying service that guarantees the purchase of any car within 30 minutes, has increased its scope to include major car dealers in the UAE.
Several major dealers in the country have already signed up with the used-car upstart, which uses its technology, network and standard vehicle inspection to typically make an offer on a car 12 minutes after the vehicle is put up for live auction with thousands of global dealers.
“The branded dealers that have joined us are some of the biggest dealers in the UAE,” said Saygin Yalcin, founder & chief executive of “When you drive a used car into a branded dealer he will only be interested in buying your car if you will buy a new one from him. Now he can buy your car from you using our technology and take a cut on the sale and offer a fair price that has been offered from thousands of dealers that bid on the car.” has a network of “thousands of dealers”, according to Mr Yalcin, that bid in a live auction on a car after the 12-minute vehicle test. is one of the bidders and whatever the winning bid will pay the customer there and then.
The customer is not beholden to take the offer.
The company was launched in 2013 and now claims to be the biggest used car dealer in the country. It says that it has grown its business 600 per cent since September 2015 and that 20 per cent of the UAE population has used its services.
It has operations in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Germany and has plans to open in Qatar and Kuwait in the fourth quarter of this year.
Source: The National,
- White label solution creates car buying network with firm sale offer made within 12 minutes of vehicle showing up, the Middle East’s first and largest car buying service guaranteeing the purchase of any car within 30 minutes is now giving traders and dealers the option of buying cars in real time when an individual shows up to sell their car.’s white label solution links dealers to the network to facilitate rapid trade-in, part exchange and purchase decisions.
The move opens’s powerful online platform to traders, who can join the car buying network by registering for free. Once connected, traders are given instant updates on any vehicle receives for sale – including images, data and the results of’s standardised vehicle inspection. The network of connected dealers establishes a fair market price for the car, and a sales offer is made to traders within 12 minutes.
“ has proven its credentials as the largest car buying service in the Middle East. Our business model is to acquire any car with a firm offer within 30 minutes. Now, we’re extending our expertise and powerful online platform to selected traders. When a trader is offered a car by a consumer, the trader can directly get an offer by for that car.” says its Founder and CEO Saygin Yalcin.
Boiler Plate
Saygin is the Founder & CEO of the Middle East’s (ME) first & largest car buying service,, Founder of the first & largest online private shopping club in the ME,, Partner at Jabbar Internet & Group, the largest ecommerce company in the Arab world, with 2500+ employees. He is also Advisory Board Member & Academic Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at the Canadian University of Dubai and has been selected as a UBS Industry Leader, a network of Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals. has acquired in Apr’12 to form the Group with Tiger Global, Naspers (MIH) & Jabbar Internet Group.
In May’13, he was referred to as “the region’s online business guru” by the National newspaper in the UAE.
In Mar’14, Arabian Business named him as “one of the region’s finest young entrepreneurs and a major part of the entrepreneurial scene in recent years” .
In Nov’14 & ’15, Fortune magazine named him in the 40 under 40 list, as one of the most influential young people in business, Turkey’s highest circulated newspaper Zaman called him “a fine example of a new generation of entrepreneurs who can make a fortune out of nothing more than a rewarding idea”, Entrepreneur ME magazine awarded, with Saygin at its helm, as the “Fastest Growing Company in the ME” & Arabian Business awarded as the “Digital Business of the Year”, while The National newspaper sees it among a handful of tech companies to “have the potential to break the $1bn barrier” .
In a cover story about Saygin in Jan’15, Entrepreneur ME magazine titled him as “undoubtedly one of the youngest & most successful internet entrepreneurs in the ME” and, in May, awarded as “Technology Innovator of the Year” in the presence of HRH Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud.
In Aug’15, Gulf Business selected him as 1 of the Top 10 Entrepreneurs in ME. He was also Founder & CEO of Joe Suis, which has been acquired by to become one of the most successful private labels in Russia.
Source: Azad News,