auctions car designed by Chris Brown for charity buys and auctions Chris Brown’s car

Chris Brown paints car for charity
The Middle East’s first and largest car buying service auctions exclusively designed car by Chris Brown for a good cause and donates up to an additional 108,000 USD to international charity organization for children in need.
Normally, consumers can quickly and easily sell their cars to For a good cause, now exceptionally sells a unique car to the general public, and it is a very special one: The singer and actor Chris Brown designed a 1992 Pontiac Firebird with his exceptional graffiti skills. During “Vestival” in The Hague, he gave the car a whole new look from wheels to roof. Fans of Chris Brown, car enthusiasts and art lovers can now login to and can bid on this piece of art for 1 week, starting August 17th.
100% of the proceeds will go to SOS-Kinderdörfer, an international charity organization based out of Germany specializing on children in need.
Why did this happen? “The young father Chris wanted to do something good for underprivileged children and is also a big fan of cars. So we came up with the idea to prepare a car as a showpiece for Chris’ graffiti talent and then auction it for a good cause, “says Saygin Yalcin, Founder and CEO of Chris Brown said “I wanted to do something for a good cause. We will auction this car off for charities dealing with starvation and homeless children and families”. To further enhance the effect of the charity campaign, Yalcin will also donate 10 Euros from the purchase price of each car, which buys this year in Germany. This way, the donation might reach up to 108,000 USD.
UAE website to auction car designed by US singer Chris Brown
A car designed by singer American singer Chris Brown will be auctioned for charity starting August 17 by UAE-based, a car buying service in the Middle East.
The 1992 Pontiac Firebird was renovated and decorated with graffiti, by Brown, during a music festival in The Netherlands.
As for the proceedings of the auction, they will go to an international children’s charity, SOS-Kinderdörfer, which is based in Germany.
[…] Founder and CEO of, Saygin Yalcin, said the motivation behind Brown’s charitable work is the fact that he is now a father.
“I wanted to do something for a good cause. We will auction this car off for charities dealing with starvation and homeless children and families,” he added.
In addition, the company will donate €10 ($10.9) from the price of each car the firm buys in Germany this year. He predicts this will total an additional $108,000 in donations.
Originally, offers free and instant care valuations online and guarantees to purchase any car within 30 minutes of its evaluation.
“Selling a car used to be a lengthy and risky process. Consumers were not sure about their car’s real values, needed to arrange too many appointments with time-wasters or might have ended up getting ripped off. makes selling any car easy, fair and quick,” explained Yalcin.
“You can literally find out your car’s value within 15 seconds, sell your car and get paid during your lunch break. We are located in all major cities all over the country and are the biggest specialised online car buyer in the region,” he said.
Source: Arabian Business,
سيارة كريس براون في مزاد خيري
سيعرض أول وأكبر مزود لخدمة بيع السيارات في الشرق الأوسط حصرياً، السيارة التي قام بتصميمها كريس براون، من أجل عمل خيري، وتتبرع بما يصل إلى 108000 دولار أميركي إضافية لمنظمة خيرية دولية للأطفال المحتاجين.
بهدف نبيل تقوم الآن حصرياً ببيع استثنائي لسيارة فريدة من نوعها لعامة الناس، من الجدير بالذكر أنها خاصة جداً، حيث إن المغني والممثل كريس براون قام بتزيين سيارة بونتياك فايربيرد 1992 من خلال مهاراته الإبداعية في فن الغرافيتي (الرسم على الجدران). خلال «فيستيفال» في لاهاي أعطى براون السيارة مظهراً جديداً تماماً من العجلات إلى السقف. يمكن لعشاق كريس براون وعشاق السيارات ومحبي الفن الدخول الآن إلى والبدء بالمزايدة على هذه التحفة الفنية لمدة أسبوع، ابتداء من 17 أغسطس 2015.
Source: Al Bayan,
Chris Brown: Dieses von ihm designte Auto wird versteigert
Chris Brown zeichnet nicht nur sein musikalisches Talent aus – mit der Spraydose kann der US-Rapper genauso gut umgehen wie mit dem Mikrofon. Sein gestalterisches Talent hat der junge Vater jetzt für einen guten Zweck zur Geltung gebracht: Ein von ihm zum Kunstwerk umgestaltetes Auto wird ab nächster Woche online versteigert.
Brown hat einen 1992 Pontiac Firebird mit Graffiti zum Kunstwerk veredelt. Beim „Vestival“ im niederländischen Den Haag verpasste er dem Wagen von den Rädern bis zum Dach einen neuen Look. Fans von Chris Brown, Auto- und Kunstliebhaber weltweit können sich ab sofort auf anmelden und ab dem 17. August eine Woche lang auf das Unikat bieten. Der Erlös geht zu 100 Prozent an die Organisation SOS-Kinderdorf.
„Der vor kurzem Vater gewordene Chris wollte etwas Gutes für benachteiligte Kinder tun und ist außerdem ein großer Autofan. So kamen wir auf die Idee, das Auto als Leinwand fu?r seine Graffitis zur Verfügung zu stellen, und es dann für wohltätige Zwecke zu versteigern“, erzählt Saygin Yalcin, Gru?nder und CEO von „Ich wollte etwas für einen guten Zweck tun. Wir werden dieses Auto für eine Organisation versteigern, die Kinder unterstützt, die ohne Eltern aufwachsen”, so der US-Rapper Chris Brown.
Um den Effekt der Aktion noch zu steigern, wird Yalcin außerdem 10 Euro vom Kaufpreis jedes Autos an die SOS Kinderdörfer spenden, die dieses Jahr in Deutschland ankauft. So sollen zusätzlich bis zu 100.000 Euro an weiteren Spenden zusammenkommen.
Source: Klatsch-Tratsch,
Middle East auction site offers Chris Brown’s car for sale
Chris Brown’s customised Pontiac Firebird will hopefully do some good.
The singer spray-painted the 1992-made automobile during this year’s Vestival in The Hague.
The Middle East’s bought the car and is auctioning it off with bidding starting on August 17 for one week.
All proceeds will go to SOS-Kinderdörfer, an international charity based in Germany for children in need.
SellAnyCar will also donate 10 Euros from the purchase price of each car that the company buys this year in Germany. This way, the total donation might reach up to $108,000.
Log on to to participate.
Source: Khaleej Times, City Times,